Chinese Medicine Books

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Chinese Medicine Book Collection

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Manderson, D. (1997). 'Disease, defilement, depravity': towards an aesthetic analysis of health: the case of the Chinese in nineteenth-century Australia.

Mann, F. (1962). Acupuncture: the ancient Chinese art of healing. London, W. Heinemann Medical Books.

Mann, F. (1995). Atlas of acupuncture: points and meridians in relation to surface anatomy. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.

Mann, S. and Y.-Y. Cheng (2001). Under Confucian eyes: writings on gender in Chinese history. Berkeley; London, University of California Press.

Mansel, R. E., D. C. Anderson, et al. (1993). Examination of the breast. Medi-Vision; programme 7. Shatin, Hong Kong, Chinese University Press.

Manson, P. (1887). College of Medicine for Chinese, Hongkong. Under the auspices of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony. Hongkong, [s.n.].

Mao, G. (1995). [The spread of Christianity and Western medicine into Henan Province].

Marcus, A. (1998). Musculoskeletal disorders: healing methods from Chinese medicine, orthopaedic medicine, and osteopathy. Berkeley, Calif., North Atlantic Books.

Marks, P. A. and A. Conference on Cancer Research in the People's Republic of China and the United States of (1981). Cancer research in the People's Republic of China and the United States of America: epidemiology, causation and new approaches to therapy: [proceedings of the Conference on Cancer Research in the People's Republic of China and the United States of America, March 18-29, 1980]. New York; London, Grune & Stratton.

Martzloff, J.-C. and S. S. Wilson (1997). A history of Chinese mathematics. Berlin; London, Springer-Verlag.

Maruyama, T. (1980). [Huang Ti and medicine: on the formation of Huang-Ti-nei-ching].

Maruyama, T. (1982). [On the "Hasso-setsu" written by Risshi Mori: questioning the number of volumes of the Su wen].

Massin, C. (1982). La médecine tibétaine. Paris, Editions de La Maisnie.

Mathews, R. H., M. Wang, et al. (1947). Mathews' Chinese-English dictionary: published for the Harvard-Yenching institute. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.

Mathews, R. H., M. Wang, et al. (1960). Mathews' Chinese - English dictionary. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.

Matos, F. J. (1991). Plants used in traditional medicine of China and Brazil.

Matsumoto, K. and S. Birch (1983). Five elements and ten stems. Brookline, Mass, Paradigm Publications.

Matsumoto, K. and S. Birch (1988). Hara diagnosis: reflections on the sea. Brookline, Mass, Paradigm Publications.

Maxwell, J. P. (1923). A Chinese household manual of obstetrics.

Mayanagi, M. (1991). Pharmacotherapy and Chinese hygienic concepts as seen in the 'Xiao Pin Fang' of medieval China.

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McMahon, K. (1995). Misers, shrews, and polygamists: sexuality and male-female relations in eighteenth-century Chinese fiction. Durham, N.C.; London, Duke University Press.

McNamara, S. (1991). The A-Z of Chinese medicine.

McNamara, S. (1995). Traditional chinese medicine. London, Hamish Hamilton.

McNamara, S. and S. X. Ke (1997). Traditional Chinese medicine: complete guide. London, Hamish Hamilton.

Meng, C.-l., W. Exel, et al. (1984). Die Heilkunst der Chinesen: Anleitung zur Selbsthilfe. Wien, Orac.

Metcalfe, R. A., D. C. Anderson, et al. (1993). Neurological examination. Medi-Vision; programme 03. Shatin, Hong Kong, Chinese University Press.

Meulenbeld, G. J., J. Leslie, et al. (1991). Medical literature from India, Sri Lanka and Tibet. Leiden; New York, E.J. Brill.

Meyer, F. (1987). Quelle "médecine chinoise" pour les praticiens occidentaux actuels.

Meyer, F. (1992). La démarche diagnostique en médecine tibétaine.

Meyer, F., S.-s. Sans-rgyas-rgya-mtsho, et al. (1994). Antica medicina tibetana: tavole miniate del Berillo azzurro di Sangye Gyamtso (17. sec.). Modena, Zanfi.

Meyners d'Estrey, C. (1882). L'art médical en Chine. [Paris, Challamel aine.

Micozzi, M. S. (1996). Fundamentals of complementary and alternative medicine. New York; Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone.

Midgley, R. S.-J. (2002). Epstein-Barr virus polymorphism in the Chinese population: prevalence and relevance. Birmingham, University of Birmingham.

Milburn, M. P. (2001). The future of healing: exploring the parallels of Eastern and Western medicine. Freedom, Calif., Crossing Press.

Miller, N. N. and J. C. Strickler (1980). China's revolution in health. Hanover, NH, AUFS.

Mills, J. A., N. World Wide Fund for, et al. (1997). Rhinoceros horn and tiger bone in China: an investigation of trade since the 1993 ban. Cambridge, TRAFFIC International.

Mills, J. A., S. Chan, et al. (1995). The bear facts: the East Asian market for bear gall bladder. Cambridge, TRAFFIC International.

Milsky, C. (1989). In search for a term translation strategy for Chinese medical classics.

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